Andrew Rosindell M.P is the Conservative Member of Parliament for the constituency of Romford in Essex. He was first elected to Parliament in 2001, having been the first Conservative to gain a seat from Labour after 1997. He was re-elected to the House of Commons in 2005 and 2010 and has now served in Parliament over ten years.
In June 2010 Andrew was elected to serve as a member of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee. Through the Committee he has taken a keen interest in British foreign policy and international affairs. He is also Chairman of the British-Canadian All Party Parliamentary Group and an elected member of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. He also chairs the Royal Society of St. George (Houses of Parliament Branch), along with a number of other cross party groups in Parliament, including those dedicated to Australia & New Zealand, British Overseas Territories, Isle of Man, Turks & Caicos Islands, Montserrat, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Mauritius.
He was formerly a Shadow Home Affairs Minister with special responsibility for Animal Welfare, having previously served as one of Her Majesty’s Opposition Whips and Vice-Chairman of the Conservative Party.
He was also appointed as a Governor of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy in July 2010 by Foreign Secretary, The Rt. Hon. William Hague M.P.