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IMAN Chairman condemns Danish terror shootings

2 deadly shootings within hours in Copenhagen; manhunt on as police draw parallels to Paris


A shooting at a free speech event featuring an artist who had caricatured the Prophet...

14 二月 15
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IMAN Chairman condemns Pakistan mosque attack

[Taliban kill 20 in Pakistan mosque attack


Taliban militants stormed a Shiite Muslim mosque in northwestern Pakistan on Friday, killing 20 people in a wave of gunfire and explosions bef...

13 二月 15
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IMAN Chairman welcomes sentencing of Belgian militant Islamists

Leader of Belgian militant Islamist group sentenced to 12 years


A Belgian court jailed the head of Sharia4Belgium for 12 years on Wednesday, ruling that his Islamist group was a terroris...

11 二月 15
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IMAN Chairman condemns execution of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh

Jordan pilot hostage Moaz al-Kasasbeh 'burned alive'


Jordan has confirmed the death of pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh after a video published online by Islamic State (IS) claimed to show him be...

4 二月 15
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IMAN Chairman welcomes move by Norway to exile hate preacher

Norway exiles convicted hate preacher to remote village 300 miles from the capital after ignoring lawyer's claims he had a right to family life


A court in Norway has banished a convic...

3 二月 15
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