IMAN Chairman speaks at EIN Conference in Split, Croatia
星期一, 11 七月 2016
IMAN Chairman Ribal Al-Assad recently participated in the conference entitled 'The Mediterranean - Geopolitics and Integration, challenges and opportunities' at the European Ideas Network Summer University in Split, Croatia.
Ribal took part in the round-table on the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Ionian region (corridors, infrastructure), alongside a number of other speakers, including Mariya Gabriel MEP (Vice-Chairwoman of the EPP Group in the EU responsible for the Working Group on Mediterranean Union), Dubravka Suica MEP (Head of the Croatian EPP Delegation), Georgette Lalis (Principle Advisor to the European Commission’s Director-General for Energy), and Mario Gomes (Diplomatic Advisor to the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean).
Ribal’s intervention considered the security challenges in the Mediterranean, particularly in terms of the threat of Islamic extremism, the conflicts in Libya, Syria, and Iraq, the refugee crisis, and the role of the West’s so-called allies in compounding these challenges by fostering sectarian violence and religious extremism. He reiterated his belief that the only way to address terrorism and violence is by tackling the problems at their roots, which means holding all those who fund, incite, or otherwise support extremism to account.
Other speakers included the following:
Tihomir OREŠKOVIĆ, Prime Minister of Croatia
Miro KOVAC, Foreign Minister of Croatia
Antonio TAJANI MEP, Vice-President of the EP, former Commissioner
Mairead McGUINNESS MEP, Vice-President of the EP
Paulo RANGEL MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP, EIN Chairman
Manfred WEBER MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP
Esteban GONZÁLEZ PONS MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP responsible for the WG Legal and Home Affairs
Françoise GROSSETÊTE MEP, Vice-Chairwoman of the EPP Group in the EP responsible for the Working Group on Economy and Environment
Davor Ivo STIER MEP, EPP Group coordinator on Development Committee in the EP
György SCHÖPFLIN MEP, EPP Group coordinator on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) in the EP
Sandra KALNIETE MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the EP responsible for the Neighbourhood policy and Euronest, European Values
Andrej PLENKOVIĆ MEP, Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs
Lambert van NISTELROOIJ MEP, EPP Group coordinator on Regional Development Committee in the EP
Ivana MALETIĆ MEP, Member of the Committee on the Economic and Monetary Affairs in the EP
Miroslav MIKOLÁŠIK MEP, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety in the EP
Marijana PETIR MEP, Member of the Committee on the Women's Rights and Gender Equality in the EP
Danuta MARIA HUEBNER MEP, Chair of the Constitutional Affairs Committee in the European Parliament, Member of the Delegation for relations with United States in the European Parliament, former EU Commissioner
Eva PAUNOVA MEP, Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection in the EP
Heinz K. BECKER MEP, EPP Group Vice-Coordinator on Employment and Social Affairs Committee in the EP
Burkhard BALZ MEP, EPP Group Coordinator and Member of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs in the EP
Benedicta MARZINOTTO, Policy Analyst – Economist, Labour market reforms, DG ECFIN, EC Matthias SCHAEFER, Head of Team Economic Policy, Department Politics and Consulting, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)
Miguel MARIN, Responsible for the Economy and Public Policy Department, FAES Madrid
Committee and Chairman of the Delegation for Ukraine in European Parliament
Alexandra STIGLMAYER, Senior Analyst, European Stability Initiative
Wolfgang KOETH, Senior Lecturer, European Institute of Public Administration
Borislav SPASOJEVIC, Director of BiH Office, International Republican Institute (IRI)
Dave SINARDET, Free University of Brussels, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science
Javier ZARZALEJOS, Secretary General, FAES Foundation
Angelos CHRYSSOGELOS, London School of economics and Political Science
Florian HARTLEB, Political scientist: Consultant and expert
Miklós MARÓTH, Professor, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Branislav STANICEK, Member, Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London
Katharina SENGE, Advisor to the Spokeswoman on Integration Policy, CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag
Stjepan STERC, Demographer, Senior lecturer on the Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics on University of Zagreb
Benoit BEUSELINCK, Oncologist, KU Leuven, Belgium
Jean-Marie Le MENE, President of the Jerome Lejeune Foundation, Paris, France
Zeljka MARKIC, Medical doctor and activist, Zagreb, Croatia
Robert E. CLARKE, Legal counsel and director of the European advocacy for ADF International
Clark S. JUDGE, founder and managing director of the White House Writers Group Inc. and an opinion journalist; Former speechwriter in the Reagan White House
Michael C. MAIBACH, European-American Business Council, EABC President & CEO (2003 - 2012)
Martin QUENCEZ, Program and Research Officer, Security and Defense, GMF’s Paris Office Christopher BUTLER, Executive Director of the Americans for Tax Reform (ATR)
Sandro MENICHELLI, Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU
Evgeniya GVOZDEVA, Director of Production, ESISC (European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center)
Jan STEHLIK, Counter-radicalization Task Force, European Values Think-Tank
Jorge BENTO SILVA, Deputy Head of Counter Terrorism Unit, Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs, EC
Nadia MURAD, Survivor of enslavement and human trafficking, Human Rights Activist
Walid PHARES, Co-Secretary General, Trans-Atlantic Legislative Group on Counter Terrorism
Katherine BAUER, Senior Fellow, Washington Institute, former official at the U.S. Treasury Department
Eva SAENZ-DIEZ JACCARINI, Universite Paris-8, France
Rui RAMOS, Senior Fellow Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon Nicholas STARTIN, Deputy Head of Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies, University of BATH
Rafal TRZASKOWSKI, Member of the Polish Parliament, former member of the EP
Richard YOUNGS, Senior Associate, Democracy and rule of law program, Carnegie Europe
Davor BOŽINOVIĆ, Croatian diplomat and former Minister of Defence
Garry KASPAROV, Russian chess Grandmaster and political activist
Steve NIX, Director for Eurasia, International Republican Institute (IRI)
Mira MILOSEVICH, Professor, IE Business School
Eka TKESHELASHVILI, President of the Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies, former Foreign Minister
Thomas MYRUP KRISTENSEN, Managing Director for EU Affairs, Head of Brussels office, Facebook
James WATERWORTH, Vice-President, Europe for the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA)
Jeremy ROLLISON, Director Corporate Affairs, Microsoft
Damien HELLY, Deputy Head of ECDPM "Strengthening European External Action" Programme Miguel ÁNGEL SANCHO, President of the European Foundation Society and Education
Allan S. JANIK, Professor in Philosophy, University of Innsbruck
Jörg ROCHOLL, President, Professor of Finance, and EY Chair in Governance and Compliance, ESMT
Roland VAUBEL, Professor of Economics, University of Mannheim
Alexander HEICHLINGER, Expert & Manager, Chair of the European CEFG Group, EIPA Barcelona
Domagoj MILOŠEVIĆ, Member of Croatian Parliament
Sebastian PLOCIENNIK, Polish Institute for International Affairs (PISM), European Union Programme Coordinator (KAS)
Jürgen MATTHES, Cologne Institute of Economic Research
Peter OPPENHEIMER, Economist, Oxford University
Tomislav ČORIĆ, Professor, Department of Finance of the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb
Ante SANADER, Vice- President of the Croatian Parliament
Zlatko ŽEVRNJA, Governor of Dalmatian Region
The European Ideas Network is an open pan-European think-tank sponsored by the EPP group, the largest political group in the European Parliament. According to Pennsylvania University’s global ranking, EIN is among the top 9 politically-affiliated think-tanks in world.