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IMAN Chairman welcomes arrest of Islamic extremists in Spain

Spain arrests four suspected jihadists


Spanish police on Saturday arrested four suspected Islamist extremists who were prepared to launch attacks in Spain, the government said....

24 一月 15
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IMAN Chairman agrees with UK Spy chief on Islamic terror threat

UK spy chief says West faces mass casualty attacks


Islamist militants in Syria are planning "mass casualty attacks" on Western targets, the head of British spy agency MI5 has warned, saying...

19 一月 15
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IMAN Chairman welcomes Belgian Police foiling of terror plot

Islamists killed in Belgian terror raids ‘planned to massacre police in street’


A major Islamist plot to kill police officers in the street has been foiled at the eleventh hour,...

19 一月 15
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IMAN Chairman condemns massacre in Nigeria by Boko Haram

Boko Haram: satellite images reveal devastation of massacre in Nigeria


New satellite photographs have laid bare the catastrophic scale of the latest Boko Haram atrocities, which are...

15 一月 15
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IMAN Chairman condemns Paris Policewoman Shooting

Policewoman Shot Dead In Paris This Morning


A policewoman has died and a civil employee is seriously hurt after a shooting in the south of Paris on Thursday morning, France24 r...

13 一月 15
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