Lebanon: IMAN delegation calls on Mufti of Lebanon Sheikh Kabbani
星期二, 27 七月 2010
IMAN's international delegation yesterday called on top Cleric, Mufti of Lebanon, Sheikh Muhammad Rashid Kabbani in the Dar Al-Fatwa, Beirut. They had an excellent discussion about Intra-Islamic dialogue and the need to challenge extremism and promote mainstream voices. Sheikh Kabbani said that the religious institutions of the Dar Al-Fatwa were at the disposal of IMAN 's dialogue projects and looked forward to working with them. The delegation said that IMAN would be honoured and delighted to work with Sheikh Kabbani and the Dar Al-Fatwa institutions. The delegation comprised of Sheikh Mohammad Al Hajj Hassan, Retired Lieutenant Colonel Tamer Awada, Mohammad Aadil, Rolf Ohler and Dr Mazin Moufarij.