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Iman Foundation holds Annual Conference at EU Parliament in Brussels

星期四, 3 三月 2016 29 更多图片

Brussels: The Iman Foundation (IMAN) and the European Conservatives & Reformists Group (ECR), held the 2016 Iman Spring Conference at the European Parliament. The subject of this year’s conference was “Perspectives on the Fight against Islamic Extremism”.

The conference was opened by Dr Syed Kamall MEP, chairman of the ECR Group, after which Iman Chairman Ribal Al-Assad gave his welcoming remarks.

Dr Kamall moderated the first panel, which considered the topic of intelligence and diplomacy in the war against extremism. Speakers on this panel included:

Marty Martin

Former Central Intelligence Agency senior official

Yosef Bodansky

Former Director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare of the US House of Representatives

The Hon. Cyril Svoboda

Former deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

The Rt. Hon. Hrant Bagratyan

Former Prime Minister of Armenia

Dr. Alex Kahl

Policy Advisor at U.S Department of State

The following panel, on the rule of law, the defence of values, and the security of Western citizens, was moderated by Dr. Charles Tannock MEP of the ECR Group. Speakers on this panel included:

Frank Heinrich MdB

Member of German Parliament (CDU)

The Hon. Maria Serkedjieva

Former deputy Minister of Justice, Bulgaria

The Rt. Hon. Bertie Ahern

Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland

The Hon. Borys Tarasyuk

Former Ukrainian Foreign Minister

The Hon. Kristiina Ojuland

Former Foreign Minister of Estonia and MEP

The Rt. Hon. Mirko Cvetkovic

Former Prime Minister of Serbia

The final panel, which considered strategies for tackling extremism at its roots, was moderated by The Hon. Dr. James Clad, former deputy assistant Secretary of Defence, United States. Speakers included:

Ambassador Mark Hambley

Former US ambassador to Qatar and Lebanon

Professor Yusuf Irbec

Former Member of Turkish Parliament

Yosef Bodansky

Former Director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare of the US House of Representatives

Dr. Shamendar Talwar,

Unity of Faith Foundation Representative

Anna Prior

Unity of Faith Foundation Representative

Many people were in attendance, including politicians, academics, diplomats, journalists and representatives from the international community. Other members of the Iman Foundation Board and supporters were also present including Mr Ralph Land CBE, Potkin Azarmehr, Patti Boulaye OBE, Mili Gottlieb, Yasmin Allawi, Stephen Jones, Rabbi Herschel Gluck OBE, and Rania Al-Assad.

Following the conference a lunch reception was held for all of those who had attended.