Iman Chairman wishes Greek Orthodox Christians a Happy Easter
星期日, 5 五月 2013
Considered the most important holiday on the Greek calendar, the celebration of Orthodox Easter (Pascha) is unique in almost every corner of Greece. Special traditions mark not only the mourning of Christ’s Crucifixion and the celebration of Resurrection, but also the passage from winter to spring.
The uniqueness in celebrating Easter the traditional Greek way lies more in the week leading up to the event (Holy Week) rather than the actual religious holiday.
The word "Pascha" derives from the Jewish "Pasah" which means "Passover". Jewish people celebrated "Pasah" to commemorate their liberation from the Egyptians and the passage of the Red sea.While in the ancient Greek years, Easter time coincided with the month of Anthesterion (the flowering month), a celebration of spring and the rebirth of vegetation.
Sending his wishes, Chairman of the Iman Foundation, Ribal Al-Assad, said:
"I send my very best to all those celebrating the Greek Orthodox Easter, I know that Greeks from across the world will be coming together at this important time and I hope that the week festivities are enjoyed by all – may I wish all Greek Orthodox Christians a peaceful and fruitful year ahead.”