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IMAN Chairman speaks at European Ideas Network / FAES Foundation Seminar in Madrid

星期六, 7 五月 2016 6 更多图片

IMAN Chairman (ODFS Director) Ribal Al-Assad recently spoke at an European Ideas Network / FAES Foundation seminar held in Madrid.

Ribal took part in the panel entitled "The EU Response to International Terrorism," during which he talked alongside Antonio Tajani, MEP (Vice-President of the European Parliament, former Commissioner), Rogelio Alonso (Professor URJC, Director of the Master program in analysis and prevention of terrorism), Eva Saenz-Diez Jaccarini (University Paris-8, France), and Jan Stehlik (Counter-radicalisation Task Force, European Values think tank).

Ribal spoke first about the role that Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and others were playing in spreading extremism and sectarianism in the Middle East and beyond, adding that while refugees fleeing war needed much more support from Europe, the crisis was providing Islamic extremists with an open door into Europe to spread mayhem and destruction and this needed to be quickly brought under control. In order to do this, he said, the international community needs to put aside its differences and come together to tackle this growing threat.

The European Ideas Network is an open pan-European think-tank sponsored by the EPP Group, the largest political group in the European Parliament. According to a global survey conducted by Pennsylvania University, it is among the top 9 politically affiliated think-tanks in the world.

With an active membership of around 3000 policy-makers and opinion-shapers across the European Union, the EIN brings together politicians, businessmen, academics, policy advisers, think tankers, journalists and representatives of civil society who share a common outlook Europe-wide, as well as outside non-party experts and commentators interested in the public policy issues being addressed. The network offers a unique forum in which to develop innovative ideas about the policy challenges facing Europe in the years ahead and to evolve practical solutions to help to address them.