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Iman Chairman Ribal-Al Assad condemns Woolwich attack

星期四, 23 五月 2013

Chairman of the Iman Foundation, Ribal Al-Assad, today strongly condemned the cold blooded murder of a British soldier yesterday in Woolwich.

He also expressed concern at the reaction to the murder by far right groups and reports of vandalism of mosques in Essex and Kent.

In a statement Ribal said the following:

“It is difficult to express how appalled I am by the actions of these two individuals – this barbaric act exemplifies the problem with extremist ideologies. They have no place in society and I echo the words of the Prime Minister, The. Rt. Hon. David Cameron, when I say that the belief in peace, freedom and democracy will always prevail over hate.

I do however urge people not to tie these attacks to Islam or any particular demographic; this act was committed by extremists on a radical fringe. In no way do these individuals represent Islam or the Muslim community at large who have already condemned these attacks in the strongest possible terms. We must remember to remain tolerant and peaceful in the face of adversity.

My thoughts and prayers are with the victim and his family at this difficult time.”