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Iman Chairman calls on HM King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to tackle extremism and promote reconciliation between all Muslim Sects.

星期二, 21 一月 2014 1 更多图片Ribal Al-Assad meeting with His Majesty King Abdullah

Ribal Al-Assad, Chairman of the Iman Foundation, has made a direct appeal to His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia to tackle extremism and to promote reconciliation between Muslims.

Ribal Al-Assad had the honour of personally meeting His Majesty a few years ago.

Ribal Al-Assad, said:

"As extremism, sectarianism and conflict continues to rise across the Middle East, I call upon His Majesty King Abdullah to take steps to tackle extremism, sectarianism and to promote reconciliation between all Muslim sects before the region becomes entrenched in a prolonged war along sectarian lines.

In Islam the biggest sin is to cause division between Muslims "Fitnah" and to call on the killing of other people, Muslims and non Muslims.

There is a Surah in the Quran which says:

"He who kills a soul is as if he had killed all humankind, and he who saves a life is as if he had saved the lives of all humankind."

There is no place in Islam for inciting sectarian hatred and murder. Islam is a religion of peace, justice and humanity.

I know His Majesty has a commitment to addressing these issues but concrete action is needed now. As Muslims it is imperative that we have dialogue between ourselves to root out extremism and to build understanding and reconciliation. If we fail to act it will be a catastrophe for Islam, the region and the world"