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London: Iman holds Inaugural Advisory Board Meeting

The Iman Foundation's highly distinguished International Advisory Board held it's inaugural meeting this week at the Reform Club in London. At the AGM there was an extensive discussion on Iman's activ...

29 三月 12
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Iman Chairman condemns killings by Islamist extremist in France

TOULOUSE, France -- In a dramatic end to a 32-hour standoff, a French SWAT team slipped into the apartment of an Islamist extremist, sparking a firefight that ended with the suspect jumping out of a w...

23 三月 12
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Iman Chairman and British MP condemn Saudi Grand Mufti's statement calling for destruction of all churches in the Middle East

On March 12, Sheik Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, declared that it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region.” The ruling came in response to a query from...

20 三月 12
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Iman Chairman offers condolences to Copts across the world over the death of Pope Shenouda III

Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria has died aged 88. For four decades he was the spiritual leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church, the largest Christian community in the Middle East.

Commenting on the p...

19 三月 12
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伊曼基金会在伦敦市中心与英国的犹太人领袖就严峻的极端主义和宗派主义问题举行了晚宴会谈 。


23 一月 12
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