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Iman Chairman Congratulates Pope Francis on his Inauguration as Leader of the Catholic Church

Pope Francis officially began his ministry as the 266th pope - and as the first from South America - on Tuesday in an installation Mass watched by millions of people.

"I want to ask a favor," Franc...

20 三月 13
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Iman holds Dinner Discussion with the Redeemed Christian Church of God

Iman was delighted to host a dinner discussion with the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) as part of it's ongoing "Say No to Extreemism and Sectarianism" campaign. The RCCG is a large Pentacost...

7 三月 13
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Iman holds Advisory Board meeting at the House of Commons

The Iman Foundation held a meeting with key members of it's Advisory Board at the House of Commons to discuss the current work and future initiatives of the Foundation.

Members present included, T...

4 三月 13
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Iman holds event with ResPublica on Takling Extremism

The Iman Foundation and renowned think thank ResPublica got together to hold a breakfast briefing on the topic of 'Mediating Values, Tackling Extremism: Civic approaches for a more cohesive society' w...

28 二月 13
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Iman Chairman congratulates Patriarch Yazigi on his election as new Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Levant and Antioch

John X Yazigi, Bishop of Western and Central Europe, was elected the new Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Levant and Antioch, succeeding Patriarch Hazim Ignatius IV who died in December 2012.

The el...

13 二月 13
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