Ribal Al Assad for the Huffington Post
6 JANUARY 2014
"I am a soldier of Allah and this is a war," explained Michael Adebolajo in his own defense at the trial for the murder of British soldier L...
I would like to send my warmest wishes to everyone around the world who is celebrating Orthodox Christmas this year.
At this time of celebration and giving, it is also important to reflect on those...
Iman's President for the Middle East, Sheikh Mohammad Al Hajj Hassan, called recently on Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rai in Lebanon. This follows on from a meeting Sheikh Al Hajj Hassan had with Car...
Sheikh Mohamed Hajj Hassan, Vice-Chairman and President of the Iman Foundation for the Middle East, met recently with the leader of the Orthodox Coptic community in Lebanon, Fr. Rweis al-Orachalimi....
Sheikh Mohamed Hajj Hassan, Vice-Chairman and President of the Iman Foundation for the Middle East, visited the Mount Lebanon’s Syriac Orthodox Bishop, Mor Theophilos George Saliba.
They both con...