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IMAN Chairman welcomes Saudi Royal Decree on extremist groups

Saudi Arabia designates Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group


Saudi Arabia has formally designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, in a move that could increase pressure...

9 三月 14
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Iman Chairman welcomes move to shut down terrorist linked 'charities' in Mauritania

Mauritania shuts charity linked to Muslim Brotherhood


The Mauritanian government has ordered the closure of several Islamic charities for “overstepping their mandate,” a secu...

7 三月 14
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Iman Chairman condemns terrorist knife attack in China

International community condemns terrorist attack in China


The international community has condemned Saturday's terrorist attack at a train station in Kunming City of southwest China's...

3 三月 14
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Iman welcomes Campaign for Saving Syrian Cultural Heritage

The Campaign for Saving Syrian Cultural Heritage was officially lauched in Rome last week by Francesco Rutelli, former Deputy Prime Minister and former Minister for Culture and Tourism, with Prof. Pao...

25 二月 14
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Iman Chairman condemns recent terrorist attacks in Lebanon

Army picks up the pieces after deadly bomb


The Lebanese Army vowed to fight on against terrorism as early investigations into the latest suicide bombing that targeted the mil...

24 二月 14
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