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IMAN Chairman concern at 1800 German extremists fighting in Syria and Iraq

1,800 radical German Muslims now in Syria, Iraq


Germany’s domestic intelligence agency severely underestimated the number of radical German Muslims who are fighting for the Isla...

27 十月 14
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IMAN Chairman calls for swift action against terrorist camps in Libya

Militants flock to Libya’s remote south to train


Libya’s remote desert south has become a haven for north African militants who have set up training camps in what has traditionally...

26 十月 14
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IMAN Chairman welcomes Lebanese fightback against Islamic extremists

Lebanon army fights gunmen in Tripoli, six soldiers killed


Six Lebanese soldiers were killed as the army clashed with Islamist gunmen in northern Lebanon for a second day on Saturday, us...

25 十月 14
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IMAN Chairman agrees with President Sisi on Jihadist threat

President Sisi says jihadists threaten Egypt's existence


Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi says the country is facing a threat to its existence from jihadists after the military s...

25 十月 14
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IMAN Chairman condemns terrorist attacks in Egypt

Attacks in Egypt's Sinai kill 33 security personnel


Two attacks in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula killed 33 security personnel on Friday, security sources said, in some of the worst anti-state...

24 十月 14
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