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Iman Chairman addresses Business Executives for National Security (BENS) in Washington D.C.

Iman Chairman, Ribal Al-Assad, recently addressed Business Executives for National Security at a meeting in Washington D.C.

Founded in 1982 by business executive and entrepreneur Stanley A. Weiss,...

10 十一月 15
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Iman Foundation meets with Professor Walid Phares

Iman Chairman, Ribal Al-Assad, and Iman President for the Middle East, Sheikh Mohamed Hajj Hassan, recently met with Professor Walid Phares of the National Defense University in Washington, D.C.


9 十一月 15
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Iman President for Middle East speaks to US Secretary of Transportation in Detroit

Sheikh Mohammad Al-Hajj Hassan, the Iman Foundation's President for the Middle East, today delivered a speech during a ceremony honouring US Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood in Detroit. The even...

7 十月 15
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Iman Chairman's 2015 Rosh Hashanah Message

On the occasion of Rosh Hashanah, I would like to wish Jewish people across the globe a very happy new year.

I hope that 5776 will be full of blessings and good fortune and will present new opportu...

14 九月 15
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Iman Chairman speaks at 12th Annual YES Summit in Kiev, Ukraine

Iman Chairman Ribal al-Assad recently spoke at the 12th Annual Yalta European Strategy (YES) Summit in Kiev, Ukraine.

The YES Summit is the leading public diplomacy platform in Eastern Europe to de...

11 九月 15
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