منظمة إيمان العالمية
تعزيز الحوار • تحدي التطرف • جلب التغيير
المزيد من الاخبار
IMAN welcomes banning of Islamist groups in UK

I wholeheartedly welcome the banning of these five extremist groups, all of them are heinous organisations whose sole aim is...

22 حزيران 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman condemns use of children by Islamic extremists

Children of war: As rebels force boys to watch an execution, gun-toting youngsters join regime troops


Gun-toting children...

18 حزيران 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman welcomes Lord Ashdown remarks on situation in Middle East

Sky News interview between The Rt. Hon. Lord Ashdown and Dermot Murnaghan on the Iraq crisis

15th JUNE 2014


15 حزيران 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman meets HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco

Iman Chairman, Ribal Al-Assad, today met with HSH Price Albert II of Monaco at the Premiere of 'Children of Light,...

13 حزيران 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman meets H.G. Emeritus the Archbishop Desmond Tutu at 'Children of the Light' film premiere

Chairman of the Iman Foundation, Ribal Al-Assad, attended the film Premiere 'Children of Light' hosted by PeaceJam, an international youth...

13 حزيران 14
اقرأ المزيد »