منظمة إيمان العالمية
تعزيز الحوار • تحدي التطرف • جلب التغيير
المزيد من الاخبار
Ribal Al-Assad welcomes resignation of terror-link Kuwaiti Minister

Kuwaiti minister accused by U.S. over terrorism funding quits


Kuwait's Justice and Islamic Affairs Minister has resigned, state...

12 ايار 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman welcomes Cameron comments on extremism

Nigeria kidnap: David Cameron joins 'Bring Back Our Girls' campaign


Prime Minister David Cameron has promised Britain "will...

11 ايار 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman condemns horrific terrorist attack in Xinjiang, China

International community condemns Xinjiang terrorist attack


Wednesday's terrorist attack in Xinjiang, which killed three people and injured 79 others, has...

5 ايار 14
اقرأ المزيد »
Iman Chairman welcomes Tony Blair's speech identifying Islamism as the biggest threat to global security

On Wednesday 25 April 2014, former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair made a speech in central London identifying the expansion of...

1 ايار 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman condemns suicide blasts at political gatherings in Iraq

Iraq suicide bomb at Kurdish political rally kills 30


A suicide bombing at a rally in north-eastern Iraq has...

29 نيسان 14
اقرأ المزيد »