La Fondation Iman

Seville: Iman/ICD Cultures of Spain conference discusses the influence of Andalusia's music melting pot on Europe at Three Cultures Foundation

Jeudi, 1 novembre 2012 43 Autres images

Mr. Abdeslam Badre, MA Student in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, opened the second the day of the Cultures of Spain Conference with a lecture on 'The Role of Non-State Actors in Interfaith Bridging' at the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation in Seville.

Promote dialogue, peace and tolerance among peoples and cultures of the Mediterranean is the guiding principle of the activities of the Three Cultures Foundation. It is committed to promoting coexistence between cultures and religions through mutual understanding and exchange of ideas and experiences that encourage a rapprochement between the Mediterranean peoples.

The second presentation was by Professor Antonio Martín Moreno, Professor of the History and Science of Music, University of Granada on 'Andalusia, Musical Melting Pot: its Influence on the Rest of Europe.'

The final lecture was by Professor. Mohand Tilmatine from the Department of Philosophy, University of Cädiz, on the Golden Age of Islam and the Berber population of Spain.

All the presentations were well received and followed by Q & A sessions.

The conference session was moderated by Dr. Goetz Kaufmann.

The conference was organised in partnership with the highly respected Berlin based Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and hosted by the Iman Foundation. It took place on 18, 19, 20 October 2012 in Granada, Cordoba and Seville respectively.

The conference gave the participants an insight into century’s tradition of multiculturalism and inter-faith dialogue within the Andalusia region of Spain as well as an opportunity to analyse concrete examples of cultural diplomacy in practice. In addition, the conference introduced participants to a network of like-minded individuals, and allowed them to explore the rich cultural landscape of Andalusia, Spain. Also participants visited historic sites including the Alhambra in Granada, the Great Cathedral and Mosque in Cordoba (Mezquita de Cordoba), the Alcazar palace in Seville, and the Puente Nuevo (New Bridge) in Ronda.

The conference participants included MA Students in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, at the ICD Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies, who come from Norway, Columbia, USA, South Korea, Ireland, Mexico, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, Morocco, Spain and Romania. Also some members of the Iman Foundation's Advisory Board participated.

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The ICD´s ultimate goal is to promote global peace and stability by strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.

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