La Fondation Iman

London: Iman holds dinner discussion on extremism with Jewish leaders

Lundi, 23 janvier 2012 5 Autres images

The Iman Foundation has held a dinner discussion about challenging extremism and sectarianism with British Jewish leaders at a central London venue.

The guests included Lord Janner, Louise Ellman MP, James Wharton MP, Rabbi Herschel Gluck (Chairman, Muslim-Jewish Forum), Mr. Anthony Capo-Bianco ( Chairman, The Reform Club's Economics & Current Affairs Group), Councillor Robert Rams, Mr. Michael Livingstone, Ms. Mili Gottlieb, Mrs. Yasmin Allawi and Mr. David Sasson

Commenting on the dinner, Ribal Al-Assad, Chairman of the Iman Foundation, said:

"I was delighted and honoured to see so many distinguished guests at our dinner discussion. We had an excellent discussion about tackling extremism and sectarianism in the Middle East & North Africa. I look forward to working with them all.

"It is imperative for greater dialogue across faiths and cultures to bring about reconciliation, understanding and mutual acceptance.

"It is vital that the international community shows zero tolerance to all those who use religion to incite hatred, conflict and violence."

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