IMAN Chairman condemns suicide attack in Irbil
Mercredi, 19 novembre 2014
Deadly suicide bomb attack in the capital of Iraq’s Kurdistan region
A suicide bomb attack has ripped through the centre of Irbil. At least five people were killed in the blast when the car packed with explosives blew up.
It’s believed the driver of the car tried to enter the government compound in the centre of the city which is the capital of Iraq’s Kurdistan region. An eye witness told Kurdish television two policemen and two civilians had been killed. It’s reported gunfire accompanied the explosion.
The last major attack in Irbil was more than one year ago and the oil city has a reputation as a safe base for foreigners.
Iraqi officials say their security forces have reached the Baiji oil refinery after driving out militant jihadist fighters from ISIL from the region.
The refinery which is Iraq’s largest had been besieged for five months but it is understood forces re-took it on Tuesday. Triumphant Iraqi soldiers were seen celebrating on state TV.
And the government has announced its army has secured the main road between Baghdad and Baiji which had been in control of ISIL.
Condemning the attack, Chairman of the IMAN Foundation, Ribal Al-Assad said:
"I am very concerned to hear of this recent attack in Irbil.
This was a cowardly act driven by hate and perpetrated by an extremist who has no concept of the sanctity of life.
These Islamic extremists will continue to murder all those who do not share their perverted ideology, they are a real and pressing danger to the region's beautiful mosaic of people.
The sooner the international community put aside their differences and come together to confront the extremist threat, the sooner we will be able to consign Islamic extremism to the depths of history.
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families at this time."