La Fondation Iman
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Iman Chairman wishes Coptic Christians a Happy Easter

Chairman of the Iman Foundation, Ribal Al-Assad wishes the Coptic Christian community a very Happy Easter.

In a statement he...

4 mai 13
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Iman Chairman calls for calm in Myanmar

Iman Chairman, Ribal Al-Assad has today condemned the ongoing sectarian violence in Myanmar calling it "regressive" and "gravely concerning" in...

1 mai 13
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Iman Chairman condemns deadly clash in Xinjiang, China

China: 21 Dead In Xinjiang Province Clashes

China Daily

APRIL 25, 2013

URUMQI - A violent clash between suspected terrorists and authorities in Northwest...

25 avr 13
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Iman Chairman condemns French Embassy bombing in Libya

Car bomb targets French Embassy in Libya

Associated Press

APRIL, 23 2013

A car bomb targeted the French Embassy in the Libyan...

23 avr 13
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Iman Chairman expresses condolence for victims of the Boston Marathon

Ribal Al-Assad, Chairman of the Iman Foundation expressed condolence for the victims of the Boston Marathon today as full extent...

16 avr 13
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