IMAN's Marty Martin talks terrorism on 'Worlds Apart'
Donnerstag, 10 März 2016 1 weitere BilderIMAN Advisory Board Member Marty Martin recently appeared on RT's 'Worlds Apart' program to talk about the threat of Islamic terrorism facing the world today.
With host Oksana Boyko, Marty discussed a number of issues, including the ideological and tactical differences between Al-Qa'eda and the Islamic State, the problem of media sensationalising of terrorist figureheads, the ethics of covert counter-terrorism operations, and the question of whether we can learn from the past in dealing with these ever-evolving enemies.
Marty Martin has an accomplished career which includes service with the the U.S. Army, the NSA and the CIA, including a posting as the head of the CIA's Osama bin Laden Unit.
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