Iman Stiftung

Iman holds Dinner Discussion with the Redeemed Christian Church of God

Donnerstag, 7 März 2013 8 weitere Bilder

Iman was delighted to host a dinner discussion with the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) as part of it's ongoing "Say No to Extreemism and Sectarianism" campaign. The RCCG is a large Pentacostal Church headquatererd in Lagos, Nigeria.

The Church has around 6,000,000 members worldwide with a presence across, Africa, the Middle East, Australasia, the Americas and Europe.

Pastor Mary Afolabi, a senior church official from Havering led the discussion with other Pastors from the region. Commenting after the dinner Pastor Afolabi said:

"I am grateful for the opportunity to be involved in the Iman foundation which is doing a alot to foster inclusion and global dialogue. The dinner presented an opportunity for people from different walks of life to interact and build bridges of understanding, breaking down barriers and enhancing dialogue between differing beliefs. Long may the efforts of Ribal and the Iman foundation continue."

Others present included Ribal Al-Assad, Lord Kilclooney, Andrew Rosindell MP, Mrs Yasmin Allawi and renound political commentator Potkin Azarmehr.

Ribal Al-Assad, Chairman of the Iman Foundation, said:

"The Iman Foundation was delighted and honoured to host Pastors from the Redeemed Christian Church of God and all the other distinguished guests. We had an excellent discussion about tackling extremism and sectarianism and I look forward to working with the Redeemd Christian Church of God in the future"

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