IMAN Chairman repeats warning of Islamist domestic terror threat
Freitag, 29 August 2014
U.K. Terror Threat Raised to ‘Severe’ on New Intelligence From Syria and Iraq
British Home Secretary Theresa May announced today that the UK's terror threat level is being raised from 'substantial' to 'severe' in response to the current conflicts in Iraq and Syria.
Prime Minister David Cameron said the threat to the U.K. from Islamic State militants is greater than anything previously faced, as the government raised the terror threat level to “Severe,” the second-highest level, based on new intelligence.
Cameron told reporters that the public could expect to see more police, including armed officers, on the streets as a result of the increased threat level. He will also announce new legislation on Monday to make it easier to confiscate the passports of people who’re suspected of wanting to travel to join extremist groups.
Speaking today in London, Cameron said the battle against Islamic extremism is a “generational struggle” which will probably last decades. He said Islamic State, the Sunni militant group also known as ISIL and ISIS that has captured ground in both Syria and Iraq, had taken it to a new level.
“What we are facing in Iraq now with ISIL is a greater threat to our security than we have seen before,” the prime minister said.
“We could be facing a terrorist state on the shores of the Mediterranean and bordering a NATO member.”
The “Severe” terrorism threat rating means an attack is “highly likely,” but that there’s no intelligence about a specific plot. The highest level is “Imminent.”
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said there are no plans to raise the threat level in the U.S.
Obama administration officials have been in contact with their counterparts in the U.K. about the British decision, he said.
Cameron said Islamic State “believes in using the most brutal forms of terrorism to force people to accept a warped world view and live in an almost medieval state.”
He said that military force was only part of fighting IS, and that political change would be needed in the region as well.
Earlier, Home Secretary Theresa May explained the decision by the government’s the Joint Terrorism Analysis Center to raise the threat level.
“The increase in the threat level is related to developments in Syria and Iraq where terrorist groups are planning attacks against the West,” May said in a statement in London. “Some of those plots are likely to involve foreign fighters who have traveled there from the U.K. and Europe to take part in those conflicts.”
Cameron said at least 500 people have traveled from the U.K. to fight in Iraq and Syria with IS.
Responding to the news, Chairman of the IMAN Foundation, Ribal Al-Assad said:
"I am not surprised to see the threat level raised in the UK; as the IMAN Foundation has noted on numerous occasions the threat from Islamists who have traveled to wage 'jihad' retuning to their home nations to commit terrorist attacks is exceedingly great.
These are fanatical people with no respect for common humanity, they will seek to attack and cause as much destruction as possible. They are very dangerous, many of them will return from the region highly trained and fully prepared to commit acts of terrorism.
The UK along with every country with citizens fighting abroad must take every precaution to stop their nationals returning 'under the radar'. Any Islamist returning from the region must be stopped at the border, taken into custody and brought before the courts to be held accountable for their actions.
Failure to take appropriate precautions will almost certainly have horrific consequences. I can not stress enough how real and serious the threat is that these people pose, there is absolutely no room for error here."