Iman Stiftung

Iman Chairman condemns terrorist massacre in Nigeria

Montag, 30 September 2013 Over 40 students were massacred in the attack

After Kenya, terror attack rocks Nigeria; over 40 students massacred

One India News


Terror attack rocked yet another African nation in the dead of night on Sunday when over 40 students were shot dead as they slept in dormitories in an agricultural college in Yobe state in north-eastern Nigeria.

Their classrooms were also torched. Most of the victims were aged between 18-22. Notorious terror outfit Boko Haram is suspected behind the attacks. The college massacre is the latest violence in northeastern Nigeria's Islamic uprising.

Sunday's violence, which occurred despite the prevalence of an emergency covering three states of the country, has begun to raise doubts about the Nigerian government's claim of winning the war against the terrorists.

Authorities of the college where the gruesome incident took place alleged that there were no security forces in the Institute even though it was promised that protection would be provided to the students. The students were shot in their sleep and their classrooms were torched Forty-two bodies were recovered and 18 injured students were sent to the hospital where two more died. Almost all those killed are Muslims, said sources. Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan condemned the attack.

Boko Haram terrorists have killed over 1,700 people since 2010. Last week, members of another terror outfit Al-Shaabab attacked an upscale shopping mall in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, and killed several people, including foreigners.

Condemning the attack, Iman Chairman, Ribal Al-Assad said:

"I am appalled to learn of this most recent attack in Northern Nigeria, like many others I am simply left to ask why?

These innocent young students had the rest of their lives ahead of them and yet they were slaughtered for absolutely no reason - in cold blood as they slept.

It is nothing short of an atrocity and robust action must be taken against both the perpetrators and those who incited the attack to take place.

This attack is a chilling reminder that these extremists will go to any length in to attempt to realise their perverted beliefs. We must not allow them to succeed.

The international community must do everything in their power to stop these extremists. It must come together and stand firmly against these people - enough is enough. How many more innocent have to die before we intervene?

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families at this time."

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