IMAN Chairman condemns ISIS video threat to America
Sonntag, 31 August 2014 1 weitere BilderDROWN AMERICA IN BLOOD: ISIS In Chilling Video Threat To America
Responding to the video, Chairman of the Iman Foundation, Ribal Al-Assad has issued the following statement:
"I am disgusted and appalled by the contents of this tape, time and time again these Islamists show themselves to be nothing more than animals; their only desire is to cause as much death and destruction against their fellow man as possible.
The Islamists wholeheartedly believe that they have to kill everyone who does not subscribe to their narrow and perverted belief system. Their sole aim is to create an Islamic Caliphate State under Sharia Law wherever Muslims live - this is not only in the Middle East, North Africa and Muslim countries but wherever they deem to be the 'land of their ancestors'.
Let us hope and pray that they are stopped well before they are able to commit their heinous objectives.
The international community must take these threats seriously, the Iman Foundation has long documented and warned of the danger of attacks committed by Islamist Groups and 'lone wolves' - there is simply no room for error.
Islamism is by far the greatest threat posed to the free world today."
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