IMAN Chairman calls for the release of kidnapped Lebanese soldiers
Sonntag, 31 August 2014 1 weitere BilderRibal Al-Assad has called on the Lebanese government to take action on the recent kidnapping of Lebanese soldiers by Islamist militants, his statement to the authorities reads as follows:
"I call on the Lebanese government to do everything possible to secure the release of the kidnapped Lebanese soldiers, including Ali Al-Hajj Hassan who is the brother of the Iman Foundation's Vice-Chairman and its President for the Middle East, Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hajj Hassan.
The government cannot allow them to be hurt and must take every possible step to ensure they are retuned safely - furthermore the international community must come together and stand with the Lebanese army to rid both the country and the region of the Islamist threat.
My thoughts and prayers are with the kidnapped victims and their families at this time."
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