Iman Stiftung

Iman celebrates Nowrouz, a celebration to welcome Spring

Freitag, 22 März 2013

Nowrouz, literally meaning New Day, is a celebration of the first day of Spring. It represents the end of the cold winter, and the beginning of the blossoming of the trees and when life becomes new again.

Nowruz, is the eternal symbol of rejuvenation, the revival of nature, when the new replaces the old and the continuation of life.

Nowrouz is not a religious celebration, it transcends religion and that is why it is appealing to many nationalities. It is celebrated in all of Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Republic of Azerbijan, Georgia and by all the Kurdish people who live inside and outside Iran.

The Nowruz celebrations inside Iran last for thirteen days. The Nowruz table decorations, which are set up in each household, are representative symbols of life, revival and freshness. Another Nowruz custom is visiting friends, neighbours and families, giving presents and forgiving the old animosities.

In a world divided by differences in spiritual beliefs, which at times, sadly manifests in ugly extremism; Nowruz, the celebration of life and nature, is an opportunity to bring everyone together. It is an event that values life, friendship and giving.

At Iman Foundation, we welcome the coming of the Spring and the revival of nature and we wish everyone a happy Nowruz. May life and all that is good, continue.

Picture Credit: Kourosh Ziabari

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