Cairo: Iman delegation calls on Grand Mufti of Egypt
Donnerstag, 23 September 2010
Today in Cairo, an Iman delegation called on the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Sheikh Dr Ali Gomaa, who is one of the world’s most respected Muslim scholars. He has lectured to thousands across the world and composed over thirty works spanning Islamic legal methodology and contemporary issues.
The delegation comprised of chairman of Iman, Ribal Al-Assad and Sheikh Mohammad Al Hajj Hassan. In the meeting Ribal Al-Assad stated "that path of dialogue is key in preventing sectarian conflicts and that Iman is keen to spread a culture of dialogue and communication between all religions based on mutual respect. We reject extremism and terrorism."
Al Mufti Dr Ali Gomaa welcomed the work of Iman wishing it every success. He stated his readiness to co-operate in initiating and facilitating dialogue, which would help achieve stability in the region.
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