Iman Stiftung

Berlin: Iman Chairman congratulates the UN for promoting dialogue among cultures and religions at International Symposium

Freitag, 13 Mai 2011 2 weitere Bilder

The respected Berlin based Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, today invited Ribal Al-Assad, the Chairman of the Iman Foundation, to join a panel discussion on "The Future of the United Nations in a Globalized World: Revision and Reform," at the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2011 in Berlin.

Speaking to a distinguished audience of former world leaders, diplomats, scholars, political figures and students, Ribal said:

"I would like to congratulate the United Nations for the tremendous work it does in promoting dialogue among cultures, civilizations and religions. Indeed this is vital to fulfilling the core objectives of the UN Charter, which include maintaining peace and security, upholding human rights and progressing development. I hope that many more NGOs will get involved with the UN in the future."

The distinguished panel was moderated by H. E. Amb. Dr. Cynthia P. Schneider (Former Ambassador of the United States to the Netherlands). It comprised of Ribal Al-Assad, The Hon. Dr. Emil Constantinescu (Former President of Romania), The Hon. Rexhep Meidani (Former President of Albania), The Hon. Sir James R. Mancham (Former President of the Republic of Seychelles), The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson (Former United States Senator from Arkansas), The Hon. Dr. Vasile Puscas (Former Romanian Minister for European Affairs), The Hon. Dr. Zvonimir Paul Separovic (Former Minister of Justice, Republic of Croatia) and H.E. Ambassador Eddy Pratomo (Ambassador of Indonesia to Germany).

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