Iman Stiftung

Beijing: Iman Chairman discusses cultural exchange with Chinese cultural figures

Dienstag, 27 Dezember 2011 5 weitere Bilder

Ribal Al-Assad, Chairman of the Iman Foundation, had a meeting in Beijing with Professor Xin Li, Director of the Faculty of Painting, Anyang Academy of Fine Arts to discuss cultural exchange. He also met with Mr. Zhang Jian, Director and Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Yin-shang Culture Institute, Chairman of the Federation for Literature and Art of Anyang City, Henan Province, and Deputy President of Anyang Municipal People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

The meeting was also attended by Ambassador Li Qingyu, Council Member of the Association of Former Diplomats of China and former Chinese Ambassador to Algeria, Tunisia and Syria.

Anyang is the oldest of the eight great ancient capitals of ancient China, making it an important focal-point of the Chinese nation and culture. It was authorized as the capital city of the Shang Dynasty (16th - 11th century BC) in the 14th century BC.

Commenting on the meeting, Ribal said:

"I was delighted and honoured to meet with Professor Xin Li and Mr. Zhang Jian. We had an excellent discussion about cultural exchange between the China and Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Iman looks forward to working with them both to develop greater ties and cultural exchange.

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