منظمة إيمان العالمية
تعزيز الحوار • تحدي التطرف • جلب التغيير

IMAN Chairman's 2015 Chinese New Year Message

الخميس, 19 شباط 2015

I would like to send my very best wishes to all those who are celebrating the Chinese New Year which beings on February 19th.

2015 marks the start of the Year of the Sheep/Goat.

The Sheep and Goat are seen to be, gentle mild-mannered, shy, stable, sympathetic, amicable, and brimming with a strong sense of kindheartedness and justice according to the Chinese Zodiac.

Let us hope that these attributes pervade our thoughts this year as we reach across civilisations through dialogue to achieve understanding and mutual acceptance in the world.

Happy New Year

Ribal Al-Assad

Chairman of the Iman Foundation

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