IMAN Chairman condemns call for 'Islamic Caliphate' in Spain
الاحد, 31 آب 2014 1 المزيد من الصورResponding to the video, IMAN Chairman, Ribal Al-Assad had the following to say:
"This video perfectly demonstrates the ideology behind the Islamist extremist movement, they seek a global domination and a reinstatement of a doctrine which curtails the modern freedoms and democracy we enjoy today.
We must understand that the ideology behind Islamist groups is completely radical, they are absolute in their views.
Their sole aim is to establish an Islamic Caliphate state under Sharia law all over the 'Islamic Ummah,' from Xinjiang to Andalucia, and to kill all those who do not share their perverted ideology.
We must understand this and get a grip of the situation and take action before it is too late.
The International Community must come together and rid the region of these Islamists before it is too late, they pose a real and immediate danger to the whole free world.
We cannot allow them to succeed."
المزيد من المقالات الاخبارية