Ribal Al-Assad, the Chairman of the Iman Foundation opened the 'The Cultures of Spain Conference: Centuries of Multiculturalism and Inter-faith...
Mr. Abdeslam Badre, MA Student in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, opened the second the day of the Cultures of...
Ms. Yasmin Allawi, Vice-Chairman of the Iman Foundation opened the the second the day of the Cultures of Spain Conference...
As part of the Iman/ICD Cultures of Spain Conference the delegation visited Ronda, where they were warmly received at...
اودّ ان اعبر عن اصدق تمنياتي الى كل الذين يؤدون مناسك الحج هذه السنة والى المسلمين الذين يحتفلون بعيد الاضحى...