منظمة إيمان العالمية
تعزيز الحوار • تحدي التطرف • جلب التغيير
المزيد من الاخبار
IMAN Chairman welcomes call for 'tough action' for those heading to Syria and Iraq

Miliband calls for tougher action on Britons travelling to Iraq and Syria


The government should take tougher action...

30 آب 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman calls on H.M. King Abdullah to confront Saudi hate preachers

Saudi king warns of terrorism threat to U.S. & Europe


Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah said terrorism would soon spread...

29 آب 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman repeats warning of Islamist domestic terror threat

U.K. Terror Threat Raised to ‘Severe’ on New Intelligence From Syria and Iraq


British Home Secretary Theresa May...

29 آب 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman welcomes US support for Lebanese Army

US begins weapon deliveries to Lebanon Army


Friday’s shipment of rocket launchers and assault rifles from the United...

29 آب 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman concerned over spiralling violence in Libya

Libya airport battle 'has killed at least 97'


Two weeks of fighting between militias in Libya's capital Tripoli have left 97...

24 آب 14
اقرأ المزيد »