منظمة إيمان العالمية
تعزيز الحوار • تحدي التطرف • جلب التغيير
المزيد من الاخبار
IMAN Chairman's 2012 Rosh Hashanah message

On behalf of the Iman Foundation, may I wish Jewish people across the globe a very happy new year on...

24 ايلول 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman welcomes UN 'Terrorist Fighter' resolution

UN unanimously passes resolution to combat 'foreign terrorist fighters'


The United Nations security council agreed on Wednesday to...

24 ايلول 14
اقرأ المزيد »
Ribal Al-Assad welcomes UN Sanctions on Extremists

U.S., France propose U.N. sanctions on foreign Islamist fighters


A United Nations Security Council committee is considering...

22 ايلول 14
اقرأ المزيد »
IMAN Chairman condemns execution of Lebanese soldiers

Islamic State militants behead captive Lebanese soldier


Islamic State militants beheaded a Lebanese soldier who was one of 19 captured...

19 ايلول 14
اقرأ المزيد »
Ribal Al-Assad; 'Qatar must do more to tackle extremism'

Qatar-Gulf deal forces expulsion of Muslim Brotherhood leaders


Qatar has pledged to expel exiled leaders of Egypt's Muslim...

16 ايلول 14
اقرأ المزيد »