The Iman Foundation

Iman holds Advisory Board meeting at the House of Commons

Monday, 4 March 2013 6 more images

The Iman Foundation held a meeting with key members of it's Advisory Board at the House of Commons to discuss the current work and future initiatives of the Foundation.

Members present included, The Rt. Hon. Lord Hamilton of Epsom, The Rt. Hon. Lord Kilclooney of Armagh, Andrew Rosindell M.P., Ralph Land CBE, Yasmin Allwai, Mili Gottlieb alongside the latest addition to the Board, The Hon. Maria Serkedjieva from Bulgaria.

The Board also congratulated Rabbi Hershel Gluck on his recent award of an OBE by H.M. The Queen.

The Chairman, Ribal Al-Assad, thanked the Board for their ongoing support.

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