The Iman Foundation

Iman Foundation holds its sixth Advisory Board dinner in Brussels

Wednesday, 2 March 2016 4 more images

Brussels: The Iman Foundation holds its sixth Advisory Board dinner.

The meeting was opened by Ribal Al-Assad, Chairman of the Foundation. Members were updated on the Foundation’s activities over the preceding year and the Chairman’s plans for the year to come.

A wide range of topics were covered in discussion over the course of the evening, particularly as they related to the ongoing crises in the Middle East and the growing threat of Islamist Extremism spilling over from that region into Europe.

Those present at the dinner included:

The Rt. Hon. Bertie Ahern

Former Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland

The Rt. Hon. Hrant Bagratyan

Former Prime Minister of Armenia

The Rt. Hon. Mirko Cvetkovic

Former Prime Minister of Serbia

The Hon. Cyril Svoboda

Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic & Foreign Minister

The Hon. James Clad

Former US Dep. Secretary for Defense & Senior Advisor at the Center for Naval Analyses

The Hon. Borys Tarasyuk

Former Ukrainian Foreign Minister

The Hon. Kristiina Ojuland

Former Foreign Minister for Estonia and former MEP who sat as a member of the EU Foreign Affairs Committee

The Hon. Maria Serkedjieva

Former deputy Minister of Justice, Bulgaria

Yosef Bodansky

Former Director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare of the US House of Representatives

Frank Heinrich MP

CDU member of the German Bundestag and member of both the Development and Human Rights Committees

Marty Martin

Former CIA Senior Official and Counter-Terrorism Expert

Professor Dr. Yusuf Irbec

Former Member of Turkish Parliament

Ambassador Mark Hambley

Former US Ambassador to Qatar and Lebanon

Rabbi Herschel Gluck

Founder and Chairman of the Muslim-Jewish Forum

Patti Boulaye

Award winning international singer and Ambassador for Peace

Ralph Land CBE

Eastern European specialist

Yasmin Allawi

Presenter for Toward Freedom TV and Iraqi parliamentary candidate

Mili Gottlieb

Film maker and global advocate for social justice

Potkin Azarmehr

Award winning journalist and campaigner

Stephen Jones

Iman Foundation Executive Committee

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