The Iman Foundation

Iman delegation visits site of Woolwich attack

Monday, 3 June 2013 3 more images

A delegation from the Iman Foundation visited the site of the recent Woolwich attack to pay there respects in the memory of Drummer Lee Rigby who was brutally murdered by extremists last month.

Chairman Ribal Al-Assad layed flowers on behalf of the Foundation with a note which read:

"It is difficult to express how appalled we are by the actions of these two individuals – this barbaric act exemplifies the problem with extremist ideologies.

They have no place in society.

The belief in peace, freedom and democracy will always prevail over hate.

We must continue to remain tolerant and peaceful in the face of adversity.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Drummer Lee Rigby and his family at this difficult time.

With our heartfelt condolences,

Ribal Al-Assad

On behalf of The Iman Foundation"

Andrew Rosindell M.P., Yasmin Allawi, Cllr. Osman Dervish and Potkin Azarmehr were also in attendance.

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