Iman Chairman condemns destruction of Abraham shrine in Syria
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Al-Qaida destroys biblical patriarch Abraham shrine in Syria
In breaking news, WND reported a few hours ago that Syrian rebels, namely the al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front terrorists who have ties to the radical Wahhabi group, have destroyed a shrine that was dedicated to the biblical patriarch Abraham, in a city in eastern Syria.
At the beginning of the video, the Muslim terrorists are shown standing outside the shrine as small bombs went off inside Abraham’s shrine and the The al-Qaida filmmaker said, “Allahu Akbar,” meaning praise Allah.
Another al-Qaida terrorist said, “The heresies that were worshiped beside Allah have been burnt.”
While the Obama administration and some top level Republicans have been supporting the Syrian rebels, al-Qaida has gotten involved and makes the situation very dangerous.
Last month, the BBC reported that the leader of the al-Nusra Front, has pledged allegiance to the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri although the Syrian rebels, the FSA said, “We don't support the ideology of al-Nusra."
Nevertheless, the installment of al-Qaida in Syria is devastating and the persecution of Christians and anything related to Christianity in that area is under great danger.
While the Obama administration supports these rebels, an entire Christian village in Syria was destroyed and all of its Christian inhabitants were murdered a few days ago.
The Fars News Agency stated, “The armed rebels affiliated with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) raided the Christian-populated al-Duvair village in Reef (outskirts of) Homs near the border with Lebanon today and massacred all its civilian residents, including women and children.”
“The Syrian army, however, intervened and killed tens of terrorists during heavy clashes which are still going on in al-Duvair village.”
Even so, the destruction of the shrine dedicated to Abraham continues to show signs of the Muslim Islamists intent of removing and destroying anything in relation to Christian culture and to instill Islam and Sharia law everywhere.
The biblical figure in the bible, Abraham is the founding father of the Israelites, who had a prominent role in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The story of Abraham is told in chapters 11:26-25:18 of the book of Genesis.
Commenting on the loss, Chariman of the Iman Foundation Ribal Al-Assad said:
“The ongoing destruction of Syria’s oldest and most revered shrines is an absolute disgrace. These terrorists are systematically erasing the vibrant culture of Syria - centuries of irreplaceable heritage has been lost for future generations. This shrine was of tremendous value to Syrians and more needs to be done to prevent these acts from occurring.”