Iman Chairman condemns brutal slaughter of Shiites in Giza, Egypt
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Reports have emerged of the brutal murder of four Shiites in Giza following several months of anti-Shiite Salafist rhetoric.
It has emerged that a crowd of over 100 Salafists surrounded a suspected Shiite household in a predominantly Sunni village and beat the inhabitants to death.
Previously, Tharwat Attallah, a member of the ultra-conservative Salafi Nour Party had said at a Shura Council meeting that “They [Shiites] are a danger to Egypt’s national security; Egyptians could be deceived into [converting to] Shiism, giving it a chance to spread in Egypt.”
In addition, Egypt’s ruling Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has openly blamed Shiites for “creating religious strife throughout Islam’s history,” local press reported Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Ahmed Aref as saying.
Commenting on the news, Iman Foundation Chairman, Ribal Al-Assad said:
I am appalled to hear that these innocent individuals have been murdered in cold blood simply because of their faith; this was a crime driven by hate and intolerance.
Not only should the individuals who committed this horrific act be brought to justice, but so too should the extremist clerics who instigated it through their vitriolic rhetoric.
Politicians and Clerics should be working to unite all Muslims together, guiding them along a path of peace – dividing Muslims and inciting them to kill is “Fitnah” the biggest sin in Islam. There is a Surah in the Quran which says:
‘He who kills an innocent soul is as if he had killed all humankind, and he who saves a life is as if he had saved the lives of all humankind’
It is vital that the international community comes together to condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms, this kind of violence should not be tolerated in the 21st Century.
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the families at this time.”