Iman Chairman addresses the National Committee on American Foreign Policy
Monday, 14 December 2015
Iman Chairman, Ribal Al-Assad, today addressed the National Committee on American Foreign Policy in New York City.
Ribal discussed the crisis in Syria and the broader Middle East with the Chair of the Board, Ms Geace Kennan Warnecke, President Ambassador Rosemary A. DiCarlo and President Emeritus Dr. George D. Schwab.
During the discussion, Ribal reiterated his belief that it was imperative for the international community to come together to confront the common enemy of Islamic extremism. This struggle, he said, must take place on both the ideological and military fronts, and it will require a rethinking of traditional alliance structures in the region. He said that the interests of historical partners such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are no longer with Western interests and Western policy should reflect this.
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