Cairo: Iman facilitates meetings for Japanese Professor conducting high level study of Islam and Internet
Monday, 14 March 2011
The Iman Foundation has facilitated high level meetings in Cairo for Assistant Professor Dr. Yamamoto from the Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, Japan. Dr. Yamamoto's main research theme is "Islam and Internet" focusing on 3 different dimensions: 1) "terrorists" (or radical Islamists) use of the Internet, 2) "dissidents" use of the Internet eg. specific Egyptian cases using Facebook, or the anti-government movement using the internet, 3) "young educated Muslims" use of the Internet; does it have any impact on current Islam?, or does it lead to a kind of "religious reform" within Islam?, and how does Islam change the result of this phenomenon?
Dr.Yamamoto met with the following people:
Dr. Salem Abdul-Jalil, First Deputy Minister of Religious Endowments, Sheikh Salah Al-Ansari, Sheikh al-Azhar Mosque, Dr. Attia Elkoussy, Professor of Islamic history at Cairo University, Dr. Habiba Hassan Researcher at Al Ahram Centre and the Forum of Arab Alternatives, Dr. Kamal Habib, a leading specialist on Islamic Jihad and researcher in Islamic Movements, Amr Ezz, from January 25 youth movement and a member of the April 6 freedom Movement, Dr. Tawfiq Ghanem, former Director of the Islam Online website, Sobhy Mujahid, Managing Editor of the Islam Online website (currently based in Qatar), Ayman Abdel-Majid a specialist in Islamic groups and Dr. Ahmed Subaie, the Director of Islam Online website in Cairo.
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