Cairo: Iman delegation discusses Egypt's transition to democracy with former General Secretary of Arab League
Saturday, 30 July 2011
This week a delegation led by Iman's Middle East President, Sheikh Mohammad Al Hajj Hassan accompanied by Syed Kamall, British Member of the European Parliament, Steve Baker, Member of the British Parliament and Iman's Vice-Chairman M. Aadil met with presidential hopeful Mr Amr Moussa, former General Secretary of the Arab League and former foreign minster of Egypt.
They had an excellent discussion about Egypt's transition to freedom and democracy and the problems faced by the country.
Sheikh Hassan highlighted Iman's work in Egypt and the Middle East for greater understanding and mutual acceptance between Muslims and Christians. He pointed out that sectarian tensions are being manipulated for political ends by state and non state actors across the region, for example by some TV stations, which could lead to violence and conflict. Sheikh Hassan stated that Iman's 'Say no to extremism and Sectarianism' campaign would highlight individuals, groups, organisations and governments who use religion to incite hatred, conflict and violence.
The British MPs stated that the meeting was educational and constructive and that they would be feeding back their findings to the UK government.
The visit to Cairo was part of Iman's programme to promote liberty and pluralism in the Middle East and North Africa.
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